What Are the Latest Technology or Tools Institutes Are Using for English-Speaking Courses

How Study N Success IELTS Classes in Rohini, Delhi Can Help You Study Abroad
How Study N Success IELTS Classes in Rohini, Delhi Can Help You Study Abroad
16 Sept

What Are the Latest Technology or Tools Institutes Are Using for English-Speaking Courses

Learning English has become one of the necessary skills and requirements in today’s Hi-Tech globalization era for everyone. At **Study N Success**, we as a team incorporate relevant technologies and tools in the English speaking courses offered to make ensure that student get the best experience. Incorporation of technology brings improvement in the learning process in that it becomes fun, customized, and effective. Below are some of the recent technologies, and techniques that we apply to assist learners in their speaking fluency in English.

Interactive Learning Platforms

Specificity further at study n success, the programs involve the use of interactive learning platforms these involve lesson, exercises, quizzes etc. These platforms are created to adapt to each learner and make sure that no learner is left behind as they learn at their Own pace. These tools are based on the algorithms of the analysis of the progress and changes in the lessons depending on the students’ achievements. It also allows for instant correction of students’ mistakes as well as proper reinforcement of concepts that has been taught.

AI-Powered Language Apps

AI technology is today trending greatly in its ability to assist students in their language learning process. Language learning applications enabled by artificial intelligence as applied in Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone, have attracted a lot of users when it comes to learning English. In our courses at Study N Success, we suggest and include these applications that can enhance clients speaking, listening, and pronunciation exercises at any time. These apps have a speech recognition mechanism that is employed in determining how you pronounce your words and suggestions are given.

Speech Recognition Software

Among all the factors that complicate the process of language acquisition for students, there is pronunciation that seems to be the most complicated. To this we apply Speech to Text service from Google’s Text-to-Speech or Microsoft Azure Speech to mention but a few. These tools serve as practice in speaking where the student gets to know how they speak as compared to the local people. As the student speaks, the software gives feedback to enable the student correct his or her accent immediately.

These tools are used during lessons at Study N Success in order to provide the adequate number of practice opportunities for students to develop their speaking skills in a supportive environment with the use of technology.

Virtual Classrooms and Webinars

Since the current education system incorporated virtual learning, Study N Success has incorporated virtual classroom and webinars for enhanced learning of English course. Applications like Zoom, Google Meet and Microsoft Teams enable the students to have live sessions from anywhere in the world. These virtual classrooms are built with facilities such as screen sharing, breakout rooms, and chat functions that makes it more engaging and a group activity of learning.

Besides, the converted webinars make it easier for students to go through lesson content on their own time and make sure they do not miss some important sessions. Such flexibility is advantageous especially for the student who is studying the English courses hand while working, attending school or other activities.

Education and Learning Technology Applications for English as a Second Language

Teachers have started applying gamification in their classes and learning has been enhanced considerably especially in learning languages. Another effect of using Study N Success is that helps students enjoy the language learning process, and few of them feel stressing. These games are in form of quizzes, puzzles and role-play whereby students are required to use English in the real context. These games are fun and challenging and enable students to interact with the material, so that they learn and even retain such things as vocabulary and grammar.

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